The Beugler lining and striping tool was invented by S.B. Beugler in 1934, and patented in early 1935. The Beugler Striper has been continuously manufactured in the U.S.A. since then by three generations of proud family craftsmen, dedicated to producing the worlds finest pinstriping and lining tools.
The Beugler lining tool is in use worldwide for a very broad range of applications including: autos; motorcycles; bicycles; trucks; boats; planes; carriages; classic, vintage and veteran vehicles of all kinds; model engineering; models; steam and stationary engines; fine arts; ceramics; wood working; antiques; decorative painting; screen printing and fabrics; etc.,etc..
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The Beugler lining tool enables the user to easily produce high quality, uniform width painted lines in a range of widths from 0.4 mm (1/64") to 12.7 mm (1/2"). The paint is applied by means of a small rolling wheel, the wheel thickness determining the line width. By means of the simple interchange of wheel heads, the full range of line widths can be achieved. The tool is non-pressurized and can be used in any position or orientation. In addition, a range of guides is also provided with the tool so that an edge or template can be followed to make straight or curved lines.